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Landmark at Spring Cypress allows you easy access to I-45 Exxon Mobile Campus The Grand Parkway and only a few short minutes to FM 249 plus all of the conveniences of the city including a quick 25-minute drive to Bush Intercontinental Airport. After work relax and enjoy some of the nearby shopping and fine dining at the nearby Woodlands Waterway and Town Center.The Landmark at Spring Cypress has all the architectural and design details that make you want to call us home. From the moment you drive through our Controlled Access Gates you notice the great detail that makes up our Luxurious Clubhouse with a Conference Room Strength and Cardio Zone Invigorating Pool with Tanning Deck and Outdoor Kitchen as well as our Dog Park.Once you are inside your new home you will find all the designer coordinated interiors you expect in a brand new apartment home. The well thought out design includes 9 Foot Ceilings Gourmet Kitchens with stylish Granite Style Counters Black on Black Appliances Wood Style flooring on all first-floor apartments Track Lighting Lighted Ceiling Fans in all bedrooms and Roman Oval Soaking Tubs. In addition you will also find an expansive Patio or Balcony with Storage and Full-Size Washer Dryer Connections.



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