Manufacturing Engineer- Robotics and Automation

SUMMARY Management Business Solutions is seeking a Robotics & Automation Manufacturing Engineer for its client in Carpinteria CA. This individual will be responsible for providing hands-on production equipment and operations support and troubleshooting repairing and maintaining essential robotics and automation machinery for the manufacture of medical devices. This person will also be responsible for working with key vendors and for working on regulatory compliance and capital improvement projects. RESPONSIBILITIES Provide hands-on engineering support debugging and maintenance of robotic and automated high-mix low-volume production equipment in a regulated medical products environment. Define requirements for manage procurement of and support robotic and automated filling labeling and packaging equipment. Effectively utilize Project Management tools to manage and support capital equipment improvement projects. Lead determination and resolution of equipment failures with root cause analysis corrective and preventive actions and documentation for audit. Prepare complete and support required validation documentation to comply with applicable FDA and regulatory requirements. QUALIFICATIONS Bachelor s degree in Mechanical Electrical Robotics Automation or other Engineering & Technology disciplines required. 5 years experience working with and maintaining robotics and automation PLCs HMIs vision systems servos labelers and other automated equipment. Prior experience with process equipment validation execution and documentation. Supply chain vendor interaction and management. FDA QSR ISO 13845 FMEA DOE SPC CAD SAP electronics records and predictive analytics experience preferred. MANAGEMENT BUSINESS SOLUTIONS IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER



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