Hire web and mobile app developers online

Whether you are a startup company or SME enterprise or large organization, you?ve to be mobile first. And more over, its not only about mobile but online presence in terms of web and mobile applications must be best in class. These are key prerequisites for any business to survive and grow. Hire A Programmer Today - https://www.provab.com/hire-dedicated-developers.html A team of dedicated programmers is by far the most important factor for a successful web and mobile app development. However, this can become overwhelming given the large and growing number of developers in software companies as well as freelance developers. So below are top five steps, which businesses can follow to setup a team of dedicated developers any where in the world. Step 1 : Select the Country and Providers Startups in the United States and Europe are hiring top programmers in India and Asia Pacific. India being one of the leading outsourcing destinations in the world, setting up a team of web and app developers in India, has long term strategic benefits. Once you select the destination as India, you can select a list of top software companies in India which are providing dedicated programmers on a monthly contract. Step 2 : Share Requirements and Negotiate the Hourly Rates Share your complete requirements to shortlisted software companies and ask them to submit the workflow. Once you validate the workflow, then you can ask for hourly rates. If you are hiring 5-6 dedicated developers on your project, you can definitely negotiate a bit. But yes, every good thing will come at the right price. Step 3 : Interview Programmers and Onboard Your Team Go for a detailed interview of the shortlisted programmers. Rather than only skill sets, check the complete implementations done by them. All the shortlisted programmers, UI designers and BAs should be then onboarded so that they become a part of your IT team. Step 4 : Tasks Allocation and Tools Once the programmers are onboarded, you can share a detailed vision to them before sharing the tasks. They should be a clear connect between the programmers and your team. Use tools like JIRA for task allocation and progress review. Step 5 : Review, Engage and Grow Weekly review is a must for any offshore team of programmers. Check the progress and reward them, if they are ahead of the plan. Give them a firm directive, if they are lagging in progress. As most of the programmers are aware that the duration of their contract is connected with performance, you will always find reasonably good performance from their end. Explore Hiring Options - https://www.provab.com/hire-dedicated-programmers.html Advantage of hiring programmers at offshore Lets you hire professionals worldwide at right cost Hassle-free access to Indian workforce Time utilization Cost-saving through optimization resources Higher retention rates with short, mid-term and long term assignments There are certain clear a



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