Food service Supervisor

Food service Supervisor Terms of Employment -Position Food Service Supervisor-Vacancy 1 -Work Hours 7 8 hours per day or 35 40 hours per week (Full-time) Permanent-Wage 15.00 18.00 per hour (depending on experience)-Benefit 10 days paid vacation per year Job Duties -Estimate and order ingredients and supplies required for meal preparation-Establish methods to meet work schedules-Maintain records of stock repairs sales and wastage-Train staff in job duties and sanitation and safety procedures-Ensure that food and service meet quality control standards-Supervise and check delivery of food trolleysRequirements - Experience Minimum 2 3 years of related experience - Language English is required - Education Completion of High School Job Application Submission -By Email momosushi604(at)gmail.comOr -By Mail Momo Sushi6-375 Water Street Vancouver BC V6B 5C6



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