RNN Food Supply Ltd. is looking for full time cooks.

RNN Food Supply Ltd. is looking for full time cooks. Job InformationTitle CookEmployer RNN Food Supply LtdBusiness Address 108A-81 Golden Dr. Coquitlam BC V3K 6R2Work Location Same as aboveWage 15.00 per hourNumber of Work Hours 30-40 hours per week (part-time is also available)Terms of Employment Full-time PermanentStart Date ASAPBenefit 10 days paid vacation per year or 4% of gross salaryPositions Available 4Language English Job Description- Prepare ingredients such as noodles rice meats and veggies etc. for the meals on the menu.- Supervise kitchen staff and helpers.- Ensure all food and other items are stored properly.- Check inventory and order supplies.- Clean kitchen area. RequirementEducation Secondary school is requiredExperience 1-2 years of experience as a cook OR Completion of a three-years apprenticeship program college or other programs in cooking or food safety is required. How to ApplyApply via email rnnfoodsupplyltd(at)gmail.comWe appreciate the interest of all candidates however only those selected for an interview will be contacted.



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