Apartments in Farmington Hills Walk-in Closets Heated Indoor Poo

YES WE ARE OPEN CALL NOW TO SCHEDULE AN IN-PERSON TOUR OR LET US SHOW YOU THROUGH FACETIME Surrounded by sprawling green lawnsand mature trees Independence Green Apartmentsis your destination for inspired living. Our one- two- andthree-bedroom apartment homes offer well-appointed interiorscomplete with a convenient in-home washer and dryer and amplestorage space. Our wooded community provides gorgeous views and theperfect backdrop for a quiet glass of wine on your own privatepatio. If you prefer to work out before you relax check out ourheated indoor pool in the winter or our sparkling outdoor pool andsand volleyball court in the summer. Independence Green Apartmentshas everything you need to unwind get fit and live well. Come seewhy life is better at Independence Green Apartments.-Walk-in Closets-Heated Indoor Pool-Business center-Beautiful Views of the Community-Sauna-Ideal Farmington Hills Location-Upgraded Kitchens-Stainless Steel appliances-Pet-Friendly Dogs and Cats Welcome -Outdoor Swimming Pool



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