Lee&rsquos Overseas Delights is seeking FT Food Service Supervis

Lee s Overseas Delights is seeking F T Food Service Supervisor.Position Food Service SupervisorTerms of employment Full-time PermanentWage 15.00 - 17.00 hour (depending on experience)Hours 30 - 40 hours weekBenefits 4% vacation payJob Duties Maintain inventory and records of food supplies and equipment Estimate and order ingredients and supplies required for meal preparation Train staff in job duties sanitation and safety procedures May participate in the hiring process of food service staff and assist in the development of policies procedures and budgets Prepare work schedule and evaluate work performance of staff Maintain cleanliness and organization in the production area Address and handle customer complaints and questions Ensure food service and quality control are met Job requirements 2 3 years of experience in food preparation or service is required.Educational Requirements Completion of Secondary SchoolLanguage Requirements EnglishNumber of Positions 1Location Penticton BCCompany information Y & J Trading Ltd. dba Lee s Overseas DelightsBusiness address 139 Westminster Ave W Penticton BC V2A 1J7Email address hiring.leesoverseas(at)outlook.com



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