True Life Packers and Movers in jaipur

In December last year I was asked to move from Jaipur to Jodhpur by my boss. Reason I was promoted as an assistant manager. The new project initiated in Jaipur was already reaching to its new heights and needed to be expanded in our Jodhpur office too. I being one of the core members in the project team was selected to do the desk work before the actual work started. Everything was fine but I was to leave within two days time Relocating from one city to another is not an easy thing to do. The company had assured me official stay for up to twenty days. However the main issue for me was to find the best movers and packers in Jaipur. While I didn t have much of things to carry with me yet the few of my possessions were very dear to me. To search for someone who can truly help me in my domestic relocation seemed to be tedious job until I discussed my problem with my closest friend Amit.Amit stays in Durgapura area of Jaipur. Not a very posh area of the city the locality is befitted for the well-to-do families. Amit suggested me the name of a few movers and packers and helped me in finding the one that could understand my need. He had already told me the average packers and movers cost estimate so it became quite easier to discuss things. Out of the five people I spoke to I decided to go ahead with True Life Packers Movers.Next day in the morning a team of five members reached my apartment in a small loading truck. This was my first experience of handing over my things to someone else. They had brought along cardboards bubble wraps foils papers tapes etc. I wondered what will they do of all this stuff I soon found the answer.While one of the members quickly made some boxes out of the cardboards the others started with their work. I heard the regular noise of bubble wraps and foils being torn and cut as per the need. They took special care of the delicate items like the huge mirror my glassware glass top table etc. Within no time the entire house was wrapped up into small boxes. They then sat to number the items asking me to make a list. I was already impressed with their speed and then this fair listing of things assured me that my things will be in safer hands. After cross checking every item the men left in the truck leaving me behind to gaze at the now empty apartment.Next day I travelled to Jodhpur and reached the official apartment. First week just sped away without much time to search for my new home. I was also not in much hurry as Truelife Movers Packers had promised me to store my things in their warehouse facility for up to 30 days. However Jodhpur being much calm city than Jaipur I found a flat as per my desire in the very next week. The packers and movers brought my things the day I asked them to and helped me to unwrap all the items. They helped me to settle my new home. By the end of the second weekend I was completely settled in my new home in a new city.



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