Dharamshala - dalhousie tour

-5Days/4Nights Inclusions -3*hotal stay -Transfer Through Cab -Meal STARTING FROM :21000INR Overview:- Get away from the maddening crowd of city life. Head to Himachal and explore the scenic beauties of Dharamshala and Dalhousie. Celebrate your love for nature in this 5-day tour. Forget your hassles and these beautiful holiday destinations of Himachal Pradesh. Visit famous hotspots like Dalai lama in McLeod Ganj, St John church, Monasteries and Bhagsunath temple. Undertake thrilling activities like zorbing and paragliding in Khajjiar. Soak in the beauty of majestic valleys, lush forests and breath- taking views of the snow-kissed Himalayas.



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