Extra basement bedroom for rent

Extra basement bedroom for rent Access to On st. parking (No permit required )Shared bathrm.QUIET neighborhood Van-Go route CLOSE. Own transp. or use bus route available from Rte. 210.Grocery stores Eateries Gas stations CVS nearby (PRI. ENTR. TO RESIDENCE)Interested Give a shout out if peace of mind and SERENE environment are what you crave.(Location Charles County MD Southern Maryland) off Rte. 210 Indian Head Hwy( 550 per month single roomer )will nego. couple rental( my options )Basic room nothing fancy A quiet plain & private place to lay your head for awhile for those with the need Acquire own phone tv internet service etc ROOM IS READY & VACANT NOW to verify serious consideration CONTACT redbyrdvickie(at)gmail.com contact can be made to verify a possible interview and or move in date HOPE TO HEAR FROM YOU SOON NO PETS ALLOWED NON-SMOKING FAMILY ORIENTED HOUSEHOLD. THANKS A follow-up phone call can be established locally name phone number & message IF YOU CAN T ATTEND SCREENINGorVIEW THE ROOM PERSONALLY DON T CONTACT I don t accept money transfers through companies like Western Union and MoneyGram fraudulent cashier s check paypal etc.So please don t waste your or my time...ONLY CASH ACCEPTEDNO IF AND OR BUTS



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