Pay Reasonable Cost for Medicated CCU Ambulance Service in Sitam

Asha Ambulance Service from Sitamarhi is one of the quickest responsible and the most high caring ambulance services the current time. The patients of this city almost go to Patna for their higher medical caring and treatment. Asha Ambulance Service in Sitamarhi measures and completes the distance between Sitamarhi and Patna providing the best accommodation of ambulance services. Mainly this emergency service is set up with the entire and advanced sets of emergency equipment in ambulance vehicles. Regarding the patients care this ambulance service provides the most experienced ICU Expert Medical Team.Asha Ambulance Service in Sitamarhi is a popular emergency service provider where the people always hand over their responsibility to us. Our medical team takes full-time responsibility to transfer the patients from this city to Patna or another city hospital. Generally this ambulance service offers both Advanced Cardiac Life Support Ambulance and Basic Life Support Ambulance for the patients sake. Our ambulance drivers are familiar with the medical journey from Sitamarhi to Patna and they adopt the most common routes. The cost of these ambulance services are very loyal and affordable where the people willingly pay without any hesitation.The Ambulance Services for the Patients from Sitamarhi Cardiac Care Ambulance Service (With Ventilator) Basic Life Care Ambulance Service (with Oxygen) Emergency Ambulance Service (ICU & Ward Patients) The Ambulance Services for the Dead Bodies from Sitamarhi Mortuary Vans and Funeral Ambulance Service Dead Body Transportation Ambulance Service Embalming and an Ambulance with Freezer Box Coffin Box and an Ambulance with Coffin Casket Helpline Cell No 91 93346-91234 91 79035 20263 email id info(at) Gmail id ashaambulancepatna(at)



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