
1010049 B.C. Ltd. dba Yoko Sushi & Noodle House is looking for Cooks. Job Description Employer 1010049 B.C. Ltd. dba Yoko Sushi & Noodle HouseTitle CookWork Location Unit 102 16013 Fraser Hwy Surrey BC V4N 0G2 CanadaBusiness Address Same as aboveWage 19.00 hourNumber of Work Hours 30 40 Hours weekTerms of Employment Full-time PermanentBenefit 4% of gross salaryPositions Available 3Language English Job Duties Prepare ingredients and cook food on restaurant menu Follow proper plate presentation and garnish set up for special rolls. Clean work area kitchen and cooking supplies such as fry pan utensils etc. Check inventory of ingredients and supplies. Ensure health and safety are met the requirement Requirements -Education Completion of high school education is required.-Experience Over one-twoyears of experience as a cook OR Completion of a three-years apprenticeship program college or other programs in cooking or food safety is required How to Apply E-Mail yokosushi12(at)



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