Royal Gold Tupur 2 cu ft

Royal Gold Tupur is loved by many people what is your excuse Tupur pronounced (two-per) was designed with the idea feeding your plant as much and often as possible. It is a blank slate to create your own high performance feeding regimen. As a coco fiber based soilless medium it requires high levels of calcium and magnesium to unlock its true potential. With an astounding balance of oxygen and water holding capacities Tupur can be watered up to 1-6 times a day This makes it an ideal choice for automated watering systems especially drip (drain to waste or recirculating) Ebb and Flow. Even deep water culture and aquaponics thrive in this unique and versatile blend. Yet it still excels in hand watered container gardens with organic OR conventional feeding programs. This versatility has been key in Tupur quickly becoming a household name for cultivation experts and enthusiasts from coast to coast. Packaged in 2 cubic foot bags yet priced to compete with 1.5 cubic foot bagged products.Our price listed here to last until December 31 st of 2020...



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