Andaman with neil island Tour Packages

6Days 5nightIncorporations - 4 hotel remain- Transfer through Cab- MealBeginning FROM -45999 - INRPhoto SessionSnorkeling OR Glass Bottom Boat RideSea Walk Trip to Elephant beach OR SCUBA Trip to Nemo Reef OR Kalapathar Beach Trip with Fish Spa (Standard Deluxe Premium) OR Full Body Spa in the Hotel (Deluxe Premium)Luxury Dinner Cruise with Live Music (Standard Premium)High Tea with Snacks and A Gala Package of 2 Alcoholic Non-Alcoholic 2 Veg. Non-Veg. Starters with Dinner (Deluxe)Cellular Jail Sound & Light Show & Corbyn s Cove Arrive at Port Blair and you will be taken to your hotel where you relax and rest and after lunch proceed for local sightseeing of Port Blair. Visit Corbyns Cove Beach. Later you will be taken to Cellular Jail (closed on Mondays) to enjoy beautiful Light and Sound show. Dinner & Overnight at the hotel.



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