Luxury Apartments in North Kolkata

Avishi Trident offers you the essence of urban living surrounded by amiable environment. It is the perfect embodiment of your dream home equipped with the best-in-class amenities and strategical location at the heart of North Kolkata. Well connected and easily accessible by public transport Avishi is located at BT Road which is one of the most sought after locations in Kolkata. Airy apartments balconies with breathtaking views and tastefully designed interiors make the flats an extension of your style and personality. Chic apartments and a variety of other amenities will ensure that you enjoy a holistic living experience.Some of our prime amenities are 1. All the flats are three side open to ensure proper ventilation.2. The Landscaped Podium Garden with a joggers track. 3. Children s play area. View Play Area4. Swimming Pool With Toddlers Pool.5. Well equipped air conditioned gymnasium6. AC indoor games room7. 24x7 security with CCTV surveillanceFind More Info



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