Won 71 Enterprises Ltd. DBA Won Japanese Restaurant in Gibsons B

Won 71 Enterprises Ltd. DBA Won Japanese Restaurant in Gibsons BC seeks F T Food Service Supervisor Position Title Food Service SupervisorPosition Available 1Wage 15.00 per hourWork Condition 40 hours per week (Full-time Permanent)Benefit 10 days paid vacation or 4% of gross salaryDuties -Oversee and supervise daily operations of the restaurant-Prioritizes schedules assigns trains review and evaluates assigned restaurant staff-Resolves routine problems encountered in performance of work assignment-Develops and implements advertising and marketing strategies for restaurant-Performs other related duties as assigned Requirements-Minimum 2 years of supervisor experience in a food service area is needed-Completion of Secondary School-English is required Submit Resume towonjapanese2014(at)gmail.com Won Japanese Restaurant895 Gibsons Way Gibsons BCV0N 1V8



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