Giving Supportive Hand to transfer Patients ASHA Ambulance Serv

There are some hospitals in Gaya- ANMM College Atlantis Hospital A N Magadha Medical College & Hospital Agrawal Surgical clinic & Hospital Al-Zahir Navjeevan Hospital Get - Well Hospital Health Touch Hospital Satyam Hospital and Rog Nidan Charitable Hospital. The local patients always get their first treatment in the above hospitals. In case of emergency or absence of higher treatment the patients from this city always go to Patna Delhi Lucknow or the other city super-specialty hospitals. Asha Ambulance Service which is an ISO Certified and medically approved emergency transportation service provider gives the most supportive hands.This emergency service company has all time medical service privileges to transfer the severe patients from Gaya. Asha Ambulance Services in Gaya provides Air Charter Ambulance Commercial Stretcher Cardiac Care Ground Ambulance and Basic Life Care Ambulance Service. There is the advanced ICU Expert Doctors Team who monitor the patients and treat them during the medical journey. All accessories of emergency equipment sets are well-occupied with these ambulance services. Every medical trip is founded on bed to bed service system where the patients get the same treatment and supervision. Asha Ambulance Service imparts this service with full-time treatment and service system. This ambulance company is 24 hours well-evolved service where any need one can avail of this service after contacting on-phone.Helpline 91 79035 20263 91 93346 91234 email id info(at)



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