Coworking space in Cyber CIty Gurgaon

TOP s Coworking space in Cyber City DLF Phase 3 is a 2 min walk from Moulsari Avenues metro station in Gurgaon. It provides a seamless connectivity to commuters of Rapid Metro Gurgaon who want an office space closer to the metro station. The office is 2 min drive from NH 48 (Delhi-Gurgaon expressway). Cyber Hub & Ambience mall Gurgaon which are known for eateries n entertainment - are walking distance from the office. The space is tastefully done with best in class office interiors for a truly global clientele. This coworking space is ideal for people living near DLF Phase 1 2 3 & 4 MG Road Palam Vihar Udyog Vihar and Golf Course road.



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