In Home Caregiver- Bitton Family

Child caregiver - private home Job details LocationThornhill ON Salary 15.00 hour vacancies1 vacancy Employment groups Students Veterans of the Canadian Armed Forces Persons with disabilities Indigenous people Newcomers to Canada Seniors Apprentices Terms of employmentPermanent Full time40 hours week Start dateAs soon as possible Employment conditions Morning Day Evening Job requirements LanguagesEnglishEducationSecondary (high) school graduation certificateExperience1 year to less than 2 yearsSecurity and SafetyCriminal record checkTransportation Travel InformationTravel expenses paid by employer Public transportation is availableWork Location InformationWork in employer s client s homeWork Site EnvironmentNon-smoking Scent freePersonal SuitabilityInitiative Organized Judgement Flexibility Reliability Effective interpersonal skills Excellent oral communicationAdditional SkillsAssume full responsibility for household in absence of parents Perform light housekeeping and cleaning duties Travel with family on trips and assist with child supervision and housekeeping dutiesChildren s AgesSchool age (6 - 12 years) Infant (3 months - 11 months)Specific SkillsBathe dress and feed infants and children Discipline children according to the methods requested by the parents Prepare infants and children for rest periods Sterilize bottles prepare formulas and change diapers for infants Maintain a safe and healthy environment in the home Take children to and from school and to appointments Tend to emotional well-being of children Instruct children in personal hygiene and social development Organize activities such as games and outings for children Prepare and serve nutritious meals Supervise and care for children Help children with homeworkTarget AudienceSupervise and care for multi-aged group of childrenWeight HandlingUp to 23 kg (50 lbs)Work SettingEmployer s home Optional accommodation available at no charge on a live-in basis. Note This is NOT a condition of employmentHow to applyBy emailimmigrationassistca(at)gmail.comIntended job posting audienceAnyone who can legally work in Canada can apply for this job. If you are not currently authorized to work in Canada the employer will not consider your job application.



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