3 Bhk Flat for Sale in Chattarpur Delhi

Let your dream of owning a flat come true with A D Infraheight. It offers an exclusive range of 3 Bhk Flats for Sale in Chattarpur New Delhi. They are available at affordable prices and have land space Built-up Area 1400 Sqft and Carpet Area 1120 Sqft. It has features many more attractive facilities with a host of amenities like 24 7 Water Supply Lift Reserved Parking IGL Gas Pipeline Power Backup Water Storage and more. It provides the best configuration like 3 bedrooms 2 bathrooms 1 hall and Kitchen and 1 Balcony with overlooking is road facing residency. A D Infraheight near a bus stop school shopping mall hospital bank ATM gym hotel and more. Contact us toll-free number 18001207708.



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