Cleaning services

Leon s cleaning services Honest dependable affordable maid serviceMore than 6 years experienced housekeeperLooking for regular weekly janitorial jobsResidential and CommercialMove in move out spring & detailed house cleaning A clean home is a happy home Look no further you have found your house cleaner CALL or TEXT to schedule an appointment(225) 888-6564Email leonscleaning2020(at) WHAT TO EXPECT KITCHENCounters cleanedAppliance exteriors cleaned & polishedRange top cleanedMicrowave cleaned inside & outCabinet doors cleanedSink scrubbedBATHROOMSSinks counters mirrors cleanedToilets tubs showers cleanedALL ROOMSEverything dusted (Ceiling fans ledges window sills blinds & baseboards)Use Pledge on furnitureUse Windex on glassHard floors swept and moppedCarpeted floors vacuumedChange linens make bedsClean glass on entry exit doorsEmpty trash Windows upon request



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