
QA InfoTech, as an independent offshore software testing entity, caters to the varying needs of businesses to ensure quality. Following the approach of making testing cost effective and methodical, our organization provides an array of services from automation, functional, mobile, performance, accessibility, usability, security, content, globalization, cloud and crowdsourced testing to data science analytics and TCoE quality consulting. We offer and work for various verticals including e-learning, publishing, healthcare, BFSI, media, travel, retail and government. With an international presence, we ensure quality checks with our team of engineers and experts. Being recognized as one of the QA Thought Leaders, we work continuously to innovate and discover newer areas in the testing domain. With our dexterity and experience of more than a decade, we follow the three pillars we believe in- Excellence, Partnership and Commitment and evangelize testing in its purest sense to help the industry bloom to its fullest.



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