Local Class A CDL Drivers Needed

Hiring Class A Drivers to run local servicing a major grocery chain Click HERE to apply Up to 90K in Annual Wages 5 day work week Home Daily Currently hiring for Day positions (Fri. -Tues.) 2 consecutive days off Touch freight and pallet jack handling required Truck Driver Minimum QualificationsMust be at least 23 years old At least 18 months verifiable Class A Tractor-Trailer experience No positive and or refused drug and alcohol test(s) Stable work history No serious violations in the last 5 years Offered for all full-time positionsFull Benefits Health Dental and Vision insurance multiple comprehensive plan Driver referral bonuses Quarterly and Annual safety bonuses company wide Driver of the Month and Driver of the Year by TERMINAL Over 90 terminals nationwide 401k program with company match COMPANY PAID life insurance Short and long-term disability insurance Driver uniforms jackets safety gear GO bags provided and much MORE bhcsaxon



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