Loss Prevention (warehouse)

Loss Prevention Associate (Irving TX) Loss Prevention associates are responsible for detecting reporting and resolving matters in the area of safety inventory shortage and theft and for providing customer service as per company standards.Tasks and Responsibilities -Conduct surveillance to detect and apprehend theft. -Conduct routine inspections of the facility to maintain physical security and protection of assets. -Monitor closed circuit television systems if applicable. -Enforce company standards as they relate to security and safety procedures. -Participate in the training of new hire associates in matters of loss prevention. -Conduct daily weekly and monthly store audits. -Conduct safety inspections and communicate hazards to key holder on duty. -Ensure physical security by controlling access of associates and visitors along with maintaining visitor control log. -Participate in the distribution s loss prevention and safety programs. -Any other tasks as assigned from time to time by manager.Skills and Competencies -Ability to handle difficult situations with diplomacy. -Ability to perceive situations accurately. -Ability to maintain a fair consistent set of standards using judgment and discretion. -Ability to maintain records and documentation. -Ability to operate all equipment necessary to perform the job.Requirements -Ability to work varied hours days including nights weekends and holidays as needed. -Strong interpersonal communication organization and follow-through skills. -Physical ability to stand for extended periods and to see or hear activity in the store and perform all functions as set forth above. -Must have Loss Prevention experience. Interested Candidates Start the online application at www.lonestarstaffing.biz simply click Apply Now create a profile and begin. It is imperative to upload your resume during this process This is a 2 part interview. Once Phase 2 is complete call the office to set an appointment for an interview at our office Monday - Thursday from 8am - 2pm or Fridays from 8am - 11am. Lone Star Staffing 1820 Valley View Lane Irving TX 75061 Ph 972-790-2500



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