
WE ARE PEOPLEREADYStaffing. It s what we know. Because we ve been providing staffing solutions putting people to work for nearly 30 years. Whether you re looking for work or you re seeking workers for your business PeopleReady is the North American leader in the industrial and on-demand staffing space.The PeopleReady Branch located at Concord NH is currently hiring a DriverJob Description Are you passionate about cars Do you love the thought of sitting in the driver s seat of different cars every single day PeopleReady is looking for Auto Auction Drivers to work at a client s auction house and garage. As an Auto Auction Driver you would have the responsibility of transporting and parking vehicles in a parking lot or garage at an auto auction site. This type of position rarely lasts long before it is filled. Does this sound like a dream job Then you should feel encouraged to apply by clicking the link above.ResponsibilitiesParking and retrieving automobiles for customers in parking lots or storage garages Using the system designated by the auction house to help customers locate their vehicles Keeping parking areas clean and orderly so space is used fully Washing vacuuming extracting and buffing vehicles Patrolling parking areas to prevent vehicle damage and vehicle or property thefts Inspecting vehicles for damage Pick up and drop off associates to and from their job sites on a need by need basis Access to company van to use for transport use of your own car (sometimes) QualificationsValid driver s license Able to drive manual and automatic transmission vehicles Some Auto Auction Driver assignments have additional screening requirements such as an MVR check Strong communication skills. Punctual Valid Driver license Must pass Motor vehicle report background check Flexible Must have mobile phone to stay in contact Pay amount varies according to distance Good job for people with income restrictions or someone who just wants to make some extra money each week Call or email us at 603-226-3102 or 1847-br(at)peopleready to come apply and start driving asap To begin your journey go to s jobs PR-1202820 DriverConnect and network online with us s PeopleReadys company peoplereadys _PeopleReadys channel UCMdTbGeEvNwF7phVPT74TAg We will get to know you and connect you with jobs that match your skills experience and preferences. We work hard every single day to find jobs so each employee has opportunity and variety in their work.PeopleReady is an equal opportunity employer and we value diversity. We do not discriminate based on race religious affiliation color national origin gender age marital status sexual orientation veteran status or disability.



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