Oriental Rug Restoration San Marcos

Oriental Rugs Specialist San Diego s most experienced Oriental rug cleaning repair & restoration company. We use time-tested cleaning techniques to gently yet effectively remove pet urine food wine and other stains from all types of Oriental and area rugs including new semi-antique and antique rugs hand-knotted rugs hooked rugs and machine-made rugs. Call today for a free estimate on rug cleaning rug reweaving rug reshaping rug re-fringing rug re-dying and other rug repair & restoration services. All of our rug services are backed by a 100% satisfaction guarantee.Address 2173 Salk Ave. 250 Carlsbad CA 92008Ph. No. (760) 436-9911 (858) 345-9459Professionalservices4u - s www.professionalservices4u.com california carlsbad business-services oriental-rugs-specialistTheomnimarket - s www.theomnimarket.com united-states carlsbad professional-and-business-services oriental-rugs-specialistBetterbizlist - s betterbizlist.com listing oriental-rugs-specialist Read More - s orientalrugrepairandcleaningsandiego.com moth-damage-correction.php



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