Guitarist Bassist and Drummer Wanted.

Hi my name is Nick. I am a singer. That wants to sing alternative nu metal music. I have my very own band called leachhead its name after my last name. And I wanted head in the middle of it. Because of the idea I was called A leach head in high school by someone. If you are interested in being my band as my guitarist basssist & drummer. Please give me a e-mail it will be greatly appreciated. My band s influences are disturbed flaw deftones slipknot mushroomhead korn relative ash 40 below summer godsmack dope nullset boy hits car kittie jack off jill cold ill nino from zero crossbreed drowning pool stereomud puddle of mudd factory 81 of mice & men sworn in godhead orgy mariyln manson limp bizkit and 3teeth. Just so you all will know f.y.i. well you all have A good one take care-Nick.



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