Cyclic compression porometer

The instrument applies cyclic stress on a sample and measures the pore structure characteristics after a desired number of cycles. The stress cycles and testing after any desired number of cycles are automatically continued. Pore Size Range 0.013 ? 500 microns Permeability Range 1 x 10-? ? 50 darcies Sample SizeSample Size 1.75? ? 2.5? diameter Pressure Range 0 ? 500 psi Pressurizing Gas Clean, dry, and compressed air or nonflammable and noncorrosive gas Pressure Transducer Range 0 ? 500 psi Resolution 1 in 60, 000 Accuracy 0.15% of reading Mass Flow Transducer Range 10?/min ? 500, 000 cm ?/min Power Requirements 110/120 VAC, 50/60 Hz (Others Available) Dimensions 30? H x 19? W x 18.5? D Weight 100lbs



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