9 week old Huskies for sale

Please feel to contact us anytime on our cell 3O7x_x2x7x5x_8OO3 . (NOW 2 GIRLS 2 BOYS LEFT ) 4 girls and 2 boys ready to leave on the 14th of december . All have piercing blue eyse like mum and dad Non refundable deposits now being taken of 500 to secure your new family member mum is my family pet and dad is a friends.Pups will be micro chipped 1st vaccanation wormed and flea to date.All pups are very well socialised being brought up in a very busy house with 3 children and other pets .please give me a call if intrested no time wasters please (GIRL WITH THE PURPLE COLLAR NOW RESERVED) (GIRL WITH THE ORANGE COLLAR NOW RESERVED) (BOY WITH THE GREEN COLLAR NOW RESERVED)



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