ASK AUTOMOTIVE PVT. LTD. - Finest Clutch Plates Manufacturers

We provide certified quality friction products to the leading brands. Our firm has the leading name in friction products and other automobile services. We have the vision to be a global leader in all these automobile products and services. The automobile industry has now flourished better than in other industries. To provide safe end products in the industry it is necessary to have the intermediate goods of the finest range. We care for the sustainable manufacturing of these products. We are famous among clutch plate suppliers. It is because of our dedication towards delivering world-class services we are known as the promising clutch plates manufacturer.Check out more details on our website - s Address- ASK Automotive Pvt. Ltd. Plot No. 13-14 Sector 5 IMT Manesar Gurgaon Haryana 122 050Contact No- 91 124 439 6900Email- info(at)



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