Berkshire Expert Locksmiths

Address 73 Addison RdReading Berkshire RG1 8EGPhone 0118 4492441Website s Locksmith Reading Access And RepairDescription Berkshire Expert Locksmiths offers a full emergency and non-emergency locksmith service to the whole of Berkshire and West London area including Richmond Richmond Park Staines Chersey Hayes Southall Heathrow Airport Langley and Ivor Heath.Berkshire Expert Locksmiths work with all type of lock you have.From standard Yale or Chubb front door locks or more advanced locks such as a five-lever mortice deadlock where a locking mechanism is embedded into a slot in the door and a securely strike plate is fitted into the door frame a multi-point locking system that has a minimum of three locking points on the door that all lock simultaneously by the turn of a single key patio doors or sliding French style windows and doors or a rim automatic deadlock with key-locking handle.



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