Sales supervisor - retail

Company Friends Furniture & Mattresses Inc.Business information Friends Furniture is a furniture company launched in 2013. Our goal is to help our customers find the furniture style they love the functionality and comfort they can enjoy. Our company offers its customers competitive prices and monitors the quality closely. We have established a service focused team of staff to ensure our service is highly efficient.Business Address 52 Fanning Trail Brampton ON L6P 0H7Work Location 2835 Argentia Rd 2 Mississauga ON L5N 5V4Type of Employment Full time PermanentEstimated Start Date As soon as possible Job Description Assign sales workers to duties Authorize return of merchandise Sell merchandise Prepare reports on sales volumes merchandising and personnel matters Supervise and co-ordinate activities of workers Resolve problems that arise such as customer complaints and supply shortages Organize and maintain inventory and make sure items are in stock Hire and train or arrange for training of staff Order merchandise Establish work schedules Ensure the visual standards and image of the store are maintained such as store displays signage and cleanliness Formulate pricing policies Take follow ups from different vendors Monitor local competitors Identify current and future trends Schedule deliveries Handle different departments within stores May perform key holding and provide support in managerial duties if required such as opening and closing the store managing escalated complaints developing and implementing marketing strategies and signing for deliveries Requirements -Education Completion of high school.-Experience A minimum of 2 years of experience in a retail environment as a retail salesperson or sales clerk cashier telemarketer door-to-door salesperson or rental agent is required.-Ability to supervise 1 to 2 people-Working Conditions and Physical Capabilities Fast-paced environment Work under pressure Tight deadlines Repetitive tasks Physically demanding Manual dexterity Standing for extended periods Attention to detail Bending crouching kneeling Combination of sitting standing walking.-Personal suitability Organized Flexibility Accurate Effective interpersonal skills Client focus Team player Reliability Judgement Initiative Excellent written communication Excellent oral communication Salary 18.27 - 20.27 per hour 35-40 hours per week. Important information The work schedule is from Saturday to Thursday from 11 00 AM to 7 00 PM or 8 00 PM. Sundays and Fridays are off. Flexibility on schedule is required. Apply by e-mail to orderfriendsfurniture(at)gmail.comApply by mail to 52 Fanning Trail Brampton ON L6P 0H7



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