Transport, logistics, movers & packers services in wagholi / kha

Deliverymantra gives you access to the best delivery services for the end use customer and businesses. we offer the customize delivery solutions for our customers. If we can relive our customers of their fulfilment and delivery workload, they can concentrate on making their business grow. That?s the principal behind everything we do at deliverymantra. It?s a recipe for mutual success that requires a handful of essential ingredients. Delivery on call - For deliveries that need to reach their destination on priority basis with safe and secure. Bulk Deliveries - When your business require a delivery partner who delivery your customer?s goods with very carefully and secure. Corporate Deliveries - Our corporate and institutional services helps the companies, Banks and financial institution to deliver their goods Packers and Movers - Our packers and movers helps you to transport yours household goods to other place. Delivery Mantra Office No-04, 1st Floor, Punit Yash Arcade, Nr. PMT Bus stand, opp. Konkan Express Hotel, Karve Road, Kothrud, Pune-411038. E-mail :- [email protected] + 91 07887692998



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