ATandT Hiring Outside Plant Technicians in Villa Park IL

AT& T Hiring Outside Plant Technicians in Villa Park IL.LOOKING FOR A COMPANY THAT VALUES YOUR POTENTIAL A job with AT& T as a Outside Technician can provide you with exactly that Take advantage of our paid training and wide range of career possibilities. AT& T offers a competitive salary company provided vehicle and tools and benefits that include medical dental paid vacation and more Our Outside Technician connect rearrange maintain and repair AT& T services for our customers.What you ll do as an AT& T Outside Technician Connect repair and rearrange cable conductors Review and analyze prints diagrams or schematic drawings Splice and waterproof coverings Repair and maintain outside plant facilities May climb ladders and poles Work outdoors in all kinds of weatherOur Outside Technician must have the following Valid state driver s license Non-negligent driving record Meet 300lbs weight limit due to safety restrictions Ability to perceive differences in wire and cable colors Ability to lift and move up to 100lbs AT& T will consider for employment qualified applicants in a manner consistent with the requirements of federal state and local lawsPlease apply on line at TILTA



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