Reusable Shopping Bags Manufacturer Exporter and Wholesaler Indi

Finest Quality Reusable Shopping Bags manufacturer exporter supplier and wholesaler India. Order your Shopping Bags with customized logo or printing. Customized Reusable Jute Shopping Bags Cotton Shopping Bags manufacturer exporter global supplier and wholesaler from IndiaA Jute Cotton and canvas Shopping Bags is a product that is supplied by a store to a customer for carrying the purchases. These shopping bags are found in a multiple type of sizes. These are type of bags are found to have been manufactured from Jute Canvas and plastic. With use of plastics being restricted more stress is being put on bags made from Jute Cotton and canvas. These bags are medium-sized that are normally used either by grocery shoppers or shoppers of garments or likewise products for carrying home the purchases. These bags may be disposable or these may be designed for being reusable. Minimum Order quantity 2000 piece Contact us for EnquiryM S R.K. Enterprise202 1 Vivekananda Road New Barrack Pore Kolkata 700131 West Bengal (India)Mobile 91 9874061535 91 9836716649Landline 91-3325676768Email- puspajutebags(at)gmaildotcomWebsite- puspajutebagsdotcom



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