Foster Care Home Supervisor

The Foster Care Home Supervisor will be responsible for the oversight of foster children in placement with the SKSF Child Placement Agency. This position will include but not be limited to ensuring that children receive medical treatment and follow up ensuring that the appropriate educational plan is implemented social and recreational services are being provided that mental health needs are being met and that family contact is provided.Essential Duties See the foster home facility a minimum of twice per month. If the children are not available another meeting must be scheduled to see the children. Ensure that foster parents receive health passports. If foster parents need help in the completion the home supervisor will assist. Maintain and keep current health passports in the child s file. Initial medical and dental appointments are made within the required licensing timeframes. All medical appointments will be documented. The Home Supervisor will refer to Placement Supervisor any respite needs within the appropriate agency time frames. Home Supervisor will follow up with foster parents on their required training as outlined in their respective training plans and address any questions or concerns regarding those needs with the Placement Supervisor. Act as the main support system for the foster parent. This involves active listening skills responding with conflict resolution techniques problem solving and crisis response. All crisis situations in foster families will be reported to the Placement Supervisor in a timely manner. Being an advocate for foster parents and foster children in care. Ensure that resources are available and accessed. Arrange for regular staffing and meetings on cases and document for attendance. Timely plans and reports will be completed including the 30 day child s treatment plan the quarterly reports and documentation of any staffing. All reports will be forwarded to the Placement Supervisor. Document and communicate all pertinent information to the caseworker and other outside agencies. Document the foster home site visits and contacts with the foster children on the appropriate agency forms. Review and process the monthly reports medical dental reports and incident reports to the caseworker and other outside agencies as required. Attend and document school staffing foster care reviews court hearings and meetings. Follow agency protocol for incident reporting. Transports children for therapy appointments placement transports and additional transportation as requested. Conduct health and Safety assessment per licensing standards Attend Weekly Staff Meetings Related duties as requested. Minimum Qualifications Require Bachelor s Degree in Social Work child welfare or other human services field. Experience with general administrative and record keeping practices Prefer one-year experience in child welfare services or similar experience CPR First Aid & Universal Precautions within 30 days of hire Current Physical within last 2 years per State of CO rules & regulations Must be able to lift and carry children as needed able to lift 50 lbs Valid driver s license current vehicle insurance and an acceptable driving record per SKSF standards Able to drive a vehicle safely while transporting passengers use city maps to locate unknown destinations establish rapport and provide safe and calm environment for children assess possible concerns during visitations and problem solve as needed



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