A Good Night Sleep Shop

FOR SALE is a profitable mattress warehouse and bedding company open to the public by appointment with a 4-DAY AVERAGE WORKWEEK. This bedding center sees positive cashflow from motion adjustable beds therapeutic mattresses and childrens bedding. Additional profits come from annual mattress fundraisers with local schools and charitable organizations (this center actually turns a few school gyms into showrooms once a year and gives a generous percentage back to the schools) and marketing bedding products at HomeShows. In addition to a short work week the owner has organized and trained a helpful team of independent bed brokers who through social media generate daily mattress and home furnishing leads right to the warehouse by appointment. Note The numbers in this ad reflect the owner s projections for the next fiscal year. This warehouse could be run semi absentee by hiring the right floor manager and offering him or her a share of the profits. More information on financials space and location. Let s chat



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