60% off on Oracle Apps R12 Financials and Fusion Financials Cour

60% off on Oracle Apps R12 Financials and Oracle Fusion Financials Self Paced Course Bundle (2 Course Bundle) (Oracle Apps R12 Financials Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials) Published on Udemy with Live Meeting Support on every Weekend to Clear your Queries.We have our 10th Anniversary special offer of up to 60% Off on all Oracle Apps R12 and Fusion Cloud Courses and Course Bundles. You can use the Coupon Code ANNIVERSARYOFFER and purchase any of the courses or Course Bundles you wish. One Time Offer.Oracle Apps R12 Financials and Oracle Fusion Financials Course Bundle (2 Course Bundle) (Oracle Apps R12 Financials Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials) contains 104 Session Videos of 48 Hours of RecordingsWe will provide you Live Meeting Support to clear your queries on every Weekend. You will receive the meeting link for the support session on every Friday to the email address you registered for Udemy to purchase the courseYou can buy the course bundle from the below links www.oracleappstechnical.com oracle-apps-fusion-financials



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