Web Designer

Web DesignerThe Times of Canada group was established in 2010 with the vision to create a better understanding of the South Asian culture heritage fairs and festivals and its people within the mainstream Canadian society. We aim to spread awareness about the achievements talents and exceptional contributions of extraordinary South Asian community members.The Times of Canada located on 207-7928 128 St Surrey BC V3W 4E8 is looking to fill 1 permanent full-time position for a Web Designer to join our team.The candidate will perform the following duties Design and implement new software programs including websites. Maintain and improve the performance of existing software and website. Clearly and regularly communicate with management and technical support colleagues. Design and update software and website database. Collaborate with database administrators to design appropriate data structures. Implement and maintain the website s security. Design web pages using HTML CSS JQuery and JavaScript and back end coding. Design web pages using animations and graphics for Interactive user interface Maintain optimization of the website for different browsers Maintain page loading speed and SEO (Search engine optimization) of the website. - Perform other related duties as required.Wages 29.00 hr for 40 hrs week Location of work Surrey BC Language English Job Requirements Completion of high school A bachelor s degree or completion of a college program in computer science web design or business is required. Minimum 1 year of professional web design experience is an asset. Good understanding of Web Designing SEO and trends in digital media and e-commerce is an asset. Knowledge in social media marketing is an asset. Excellent written and oral communication skills. Please send your resume detailing your work experience and qualifications to seematoc(at)yahoo.comWe thank all applicants in advance however only those selected for an interview will be contacted. Please NO PHONE CALL inquires.



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