Leather Face Mask

Brand new 100% handmade and stitched full-grain leather face mask for sale. (Note - This mask has open holes and is not designed to keep out bacteria or viruses. If you d like to install a filter inside the mask covering the holes you re more than welcome to.) All components are cut from premium full-grain vegetable tanned leather hand-dyed with Fiebings professional oil-based dyes hand-stitched with a saddle stitch with 1mm braided and waxed polyester blend thread conditioned with Fiebings Aussie Leather Conditioner mink oil or Fiebings neatsfoot oil (depending on dye color and shade used) and sealed with Fiebings Leatherbalm with Atom Wax. Please note that 100% full-grain leather products will take considerably more time to break in than products that only use leather for visible parts. Consequently this also means the products will last a lot longer. You will need to condition leather goods with a quality mink oil or leather conditioner every 6-12 months depending on use and exposure to the elements. All products made by me are handmade and hand stitched. If you re wanting a unique product I also take custom orders. I ll work with you on design dye and thread colors etc. to ensure you get exactly what you re looking for. Please message me for more information.



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