Luciferius Maximus

Who created the Devil If our God created everything then did God create Lucifer Why How do you know if something is good or evil unless someone teaches you What better teacher then Satan Himself You do have a choice. All my books are at Amazon under my name during this lifetime Melvin Abercrombie. I am a immrotal spirit soul and so are you. I have lived many lifetimes and so have you. All you know is what you were taught all they can teach you is what they were taught what if they were taught wrong Would you want to know the Truth They call me a Rebel Preacher A Holy Bible in one hand and a bottle of whiskey in the other Yes fighting Demons and Preaching to a World that does not want to know the Truth. Most of us were taught we only live one life and get to go to a heaven or hell forever and ever you just admitted you are a immortal spirit soul where you spend your eternity is the question live in your mansion forever or burn in a hell forever Only two choices Go to Amazon under search window type i my name Melvin Abercrombie ask questions look for answers what if i am right



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