Iconic Tower with Luxurious Service Supertech Supernova926685085

Supertech Supernova Noida is offering spacious 2 3 and 4 BHK apartments 5 BHK Villas and Penthouses in its residential fragment whereas the commercial spaces include Office Spaces Retail Shops recreational and entertainment zone Tar Hotel Club Rooftop Restaurants Bars and Cafeterias and many more. These Studio apartments in Sector 94 Noida are available in the sizes ranging in between 560 Sq. Ft. to 760 Sq. Ft. and flats available in the sizes raging in between 1220 Sq. Ft. to 4150 Sq. Ft. with a starting price of only Rs. 92.40 lacs onwards. Project Highlights -LEED Certified green building Innovative water supply system Beautiful awe-inspiring interiors In the vicinity of Sector 18 Noida Proposed metro (phase 2) next to project Project Details -Project Name - Supertech Supernova Location - Sector 94 Noida Area - 560 Sq. Ft (Studio Apartment). Price - Rs. 92.40 lacs Contact Details -Call Us - 91-9266850850 Visit Us - www.supertechsupernova.net.in



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