See Surrounding Natural Landscape at Godrej Windsor. 9266850850

Godrej Windsor Greater Noida Apartments is the on-campus golf club with 9 golf holes and huge practice area. This residential project offers premium 3 and 4 BHK luxurious apartments with all modern amenities and facilities. This luxurious residential Township in Sector 27 Greater Noida Near Pari Chowk. These 3 4BHK flats in Sector 27 Greater Noida are raging on floor area 1750 Sq. Ft. to 2276 Sq. Ft. with the starting price of Rs.1.15 Cr . HIGHLIGHTS -Sports Arena with Sports Academy 9 hole Golf Course within the township. Gymnasium Managed By Holy-field Gymnasium 100% Power Backup along with 24 Hour water supply. Dedicated amenities that activate the mind body and soul PROJECT DETAILS -Project Name - Godrej Windsor Location - Sector 27 Greater Noida Size - 1750 Sq. Ft. (3 BHK) Price - Rs. 1.15 CR CONTACT DETAILS FOR BOOKING -Call Us - 91-9266850850 Visit Us -



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