Hazardous Waste Material Handler

DB WELL Employment Solutions has a client in the manufacturing industry looking for production team members. This is not temporary work its full time and our client has competitive benefits packages.Pay rate range between 17.00 to 25.00 per hour DOEProcess Controller- Hazardous Materials Specialist Must be US Person per ITAR regulations US Citizen or Permanent Resident only Must have negative Drug Alcohol test Bilingual (English & Spanish) a PLUS Willingness to work day our company rules safety rules and procedures Must keep work area clean and understand FOD (foreign object debris) procedures MUST HAVE 1 YEAR EXPERIENCE handling hazardous material and wasteLEVEL I Accept direction from senior personnel. Learn and follow company rules safety rules and procedures. Extract process bath samples according to analysis schedules and as directed by Supervisor. Identify samples to baths from which they were extracted. Fill out waste analysis records per procedure. Fill process tanks prior to start of work shift. Decant and replace spent baths and spent rinse waters as directed. Deliver spent materials to Waste Treatment for processing. Clean and maintain lab equipment instruments tools and work area. Replace and clean process bath filters per schedule. Inspect ventilation ducts clean maintain as needed. Record water flow meter readings incoming and discharge. Maintain chemical storage area.



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