
Taunte Maria s Restaurant in Saskatoon SK is looking for a qualified Cook to join our team. Position Cook1 Vacancy Compensation C 14 per hourWork Hours 30-35 hours per weekVacation 15 days of paid vacation per year or 5.77% of gross salary for vacation payLanguage of Work EnglishEmployment Term PermanentWork Location 1-2210 Millar Avenue Saskatoon SK S7K 4L1 Job Duties - Prepare and cook Chinese dishes and food from menu- Supervise and train kitchen helpers- Maintain inventory and records of food supplies and equipment- Meet the food safety standards and follow the employee health protocols- Keep work area clean Qualifications Completion of secondary school is required.A minimum of 2 years of experience in commercial cooking is required.English skills are required. Physical Capabilities Standing for extended periods Please send your resume via email at if you are interested.Taunte Maria s Restaurant welcomes applications from underrepresented groups including newcomers and aboriginal people. Taunte Maria s Restaurant (102105029 Saskatchewan Ltd.) 1-2210 Millar Avenue Saskatoon SK S7K 4L1



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