Waste Collector

WE ARE PEOPLEREADYStaffing. It s what we know. Because we ve been providing staffing solutions putting people to work for nearly 30 years. Whether you re looking for work or you re seeking workers for your business PeopleReady is the North American leader in the industrial and on-demand staffing space. The PeopleReady 2501 Third Ave. S. Birmingham AL 36801 is currently hiring a Waste Collector Waste Collector gather garbage and other discarded materials set out by customers along designated routes in urban and rural communities and transport the materials to sanitary landfills or incinerator plants for disposal. ResponsibilitiesRiding on the back of garbage collection truck collecting solid waste on a designated route. Directing driver when pulling out in traffic and backing up and directing incoming vehicles to dumping area at solid waste disposal facilities. Knowledge of standardized work routines used for manual tasks and operation of collection vehicles in solid waste operations. Checking operating and safety conditions of vehicles performing minor servicing and reporting needed repairs or servicing. Assisting driver with various tasks during waste runs Be able to lift 100 lbs many times throughout the day. Be able to work in all weather conditions. Qualifications & ExperienceMust be 18 or older Ability to lift 50lbs or more continuously during route. Able to work in inclement weather. Physically demanding work. Deep knowledge of work routines and procedures in collecting solid waste materials for disposal reuse and recycling. Ability to carry reach bend push pull and climb during route. EVER650B Our national teams provide expertise in flexible industry-specific solutions for construction hospitality manufacturing and logistics marine transportation warehousing and distribution waste and recycling and many other industries. With a network of over 600 branches across all 50 states Canada and Puerto Rico we are experts at matching workers to the jobs in-demand delivering exactly the workforce needed with the right skills. Our branch system means we know exactly what worker needs and availability are at a local level. To begin your journey go to s jobs.peopleready.com jobs PR-1214176 Waste-Collector Connect and network online with us s www.facebook.com PeopleReadys www.linkedin.com company peoplereadys twitter.com _PeopleReadys www.youtube.com channel UCMdTbGeEvNwF7phVPT74TAg We will get to know you and connect you with jobs that match your skills experience and preferences. We work hard every single day to find jobs so each employee has opportunity and variety in their work.PeopleReady is an equal opportunity employer and we value diversity. We do not discriminate based on race religious affiliation color national origin gender age marital status sexual orientation veteran status or disability.



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