Running Hotel is Ready To Sale Near New Digha Sea Beach

A marvelous south facing under construction G 4 on 4 katah(s) of land with provision for more than 30 air-conditioned rooms with all modern amenities viz. shed restaurant banquet hall & lift (standard category) property in New Digha N2 sector in front of Helipad main gate proximity from Bus stand 200 meters & 400 meters from sea beach free from CRZ restrictions is available for sale at 5.2 crore. Construction is running and till now completed brick wall G 3 with shed 24 nos. of AC rooms (3 4 bedded) shed restaurant banquet hall & lift elevator etc. Remaining work will be completed and handover tentatively by 3 months of time.Contact us For more Details-Name Tapanjyoti acharyaPh 91-9733058549 91-8617829826 Agent or any Agency Please Excuse.



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