Software Architect- Telecom

We re looking for a Software Architect to design a new product that will change the world How would you like to design the next level of 5G controller Are you a Software Architect or a very senior Software Developer Have you worked on so many applications that you can see the big picture and instruct software developers how to construct what you have in mind Do you enjoy designing software applications Do you understand what Best Practices means in terms of software development Do you have experience driving engineering R& D initiatives such as proof of concept (POC) projects Well then We want to speak with you RequirementsMust Have 5 years experience as a Software Architect Senior Embedded Developer designing telecom equipment products features experience working with our tech stack Language C IDE OS Linux Target OS real time Linux Switching SDKs (especially Broadcom) Switching routing QoS and time synchronization Packet processing data plane and control plane Nice to have 5G Ethernet fronthaul Time Sensitive Networking (TSN) PTP SyncE and CPRI eCPRI protocols Radio Over Ethernet (RoE) experience or knowledge in multi-core processor architecture and programming experience with Linux kernel or device driver YANG Models Note 1 You MUST be legally entitled to work in Canada (i.e. possess Canadian Citizenship Permanent Residency or Valid Work Permit)Note 2 High Tech Genesis Inc. is an Equal Opportunity Employer.Note 3 Accommodations are available upon request for all aspects of the hiring process.Note 4 When applying please submit a MS Word version of your resume.



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