Landfill Technician

WE ARE PEOPLEREADY Staffing. It s what we know. Because we ve been providing staffing solutions putting people to work for nearly 30 years. Whether you re looking for work or you re seeking workers for your business PeopleReady is the North American leader in the industrial and on-demand staffing space. The PeopleReady located at Elizabeth Pennsylvania 15037 is currently hiring a Landfill Technician Job Description Do you take pride in your dedication to completing work that might deter other people Are you able to tackle any job big or small every single day PeopleReady is looking for committed Landfill Technician to assist with a variety of tasks in an area landfill. As a Landfill Technicianyou could be asked to operate machinery to clear and dispose of materials or use your analytical skills to help to determine an efficient waste disposal plan. In some cases you could also be asked to drive a truck to transport waste throughout the landfill. If this opportunity sounds interesting you are encouraged to apply with the link above. Payrate for this job is 13 Hour. Responsibilities Include Operating heavy equipment necessary for landfill operations maintaining equipment in a clean and functional operating condition Operating water truck to perform dust control and fire suppression activities as required Operating gatehouse utilizing automated scale system calculating and collecting amount due for waste loads Directing vehicle traffic at the landfill Maintaining landfill shop catch fences and buildings Performing basic clean-up of site and facilities as required Entering and retrieving data and preparing reports using a computer reviewing such reports for accuracy and making corrections as required Observing safe working practices including maintaining work areas in a safe condition Qualifications Previous waste or heavy machinery experience preferred but not required Basic math skills - addition subtraction multiplication and division on the fly Able to follow oral and or written instructions Rare work ethic and a positive attitude Able to lift up to 80 pounds repeatedly and sit or walk for extended periods of time Comfortable with exposure to weather conditions fumes dust and hazardous chemicals



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