Truck Driver

LanguagesEnglishEducationNo degree certificate or diplomaCredentials (certificates licences memberships courses etc.)Driver s License (Class 1 or A) AZ class license Air Brakes EndorsementExperienceNo experience Specific Skills Operate and drive primarily tractor trailer long-combination vehicle and straight body trucks to transport goods and materials over long distances. Receive and relay information to central dispatcher. Drive as a part of two-person team or convoyPerform pre-trip en-route and post trip inspection of vehicle systems equipments and accessories such as tires lights etc. Perform preventive maintenance Perform emergency roadside repairs Perform brake adjustment load and unload goods. Record cargo information. Tarping and ensuring safety and security of cargo. Documentation KnowledgeTrip reports Maintenance and repair reports Inspection report (pre-trip en-route post-trip) Driver logbook Bill of ladingCommunication Systems ExperienceOperate GPS (Global Positioning System) and other navigation equipment Trip recorder (on-board computer)Weight HandlingUp to 23 kg (50 lbs)Transportation Travel InformationWilling to travel cross-border Valid driver s licencePersonal SuitabilityFlexibility Judgement Reliability Organized



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